Title: Pyro-Man Product ID: Environment: MSX1 or newer, Keyboard/Joystick Genre: Action Language: French Release: 1985 Publisher: Nice Ideas Developer: Infogrames Price: ROM Type: Notes: - Version patched by GDX to improve MSX compatibility and keyboard/joysticks support. - This ROM version has been created from the disk version. - crc32= Goal of the game: Extinguish the fire and neutralize the pyromaniac. Keys description: Spacebar = Sprinkle SHIFT = Deposit/retake the extinguisher or drop the fire hose Cursors = Fireman's moves Tips: - When you use the extinguisher, it will flicker if it's almost empty. Bring it back to the truck for recharching, so you'll avoid to lose it definetely. - If the pyromaniac is on the roof, he won't dare to go down if a fireman remains on the last floor. It will allows to take easily the extinguishers when there's no any fire. The truck can contain up to 8 extinguishers.