Title: Rocket Roger Japanese Title: ロケット・ロジャー Product ID: Environment: MSX1 or newer, 32kB of RAM, Keyboard / Joystick Genre: Action Language: English Release: 1986 Publisher: Alligata (Tape version) Developer: Alligata Price: ROM Type: 32kB ROM (00000h~03FFFh) Notes: - Tape version converted to Rom then modified by GDX to fix PSG I/O ports and to use cursor keys or joystick 1. - crc32=2CE739EA Keys use: In Game: [Cursor up] = Thrust [Cursor left] = Move to left [Cursor right] = Move to right [Space] = Shoot [N] = Jump [ESC] = Quit the game Note: Joystick can be used in port 1. When Game over: [F1] = Select Cadet mode (Easy) [F5] = Select Ace mode (Hard) [Space] = Game start again